
ExploreallthetermsrelatedtothewordINFORMandenrichyourvocabularywiththeCollinsEnglish-TraditionalDictionary.,ChineseTranslationof“INFORM”|TheofficialCollinsEnglish-TraditionalDictionaryonline.Over100000ChinesetranslationsofEnglishwordsandphrases.,Youshouldbefullyinformedandawareofanyparticularthreatorriskstodowithyourjobormembersofthepublicyoumightmeet.Lamplugh ...,HindiTranslationof“INFORM”|Th...

All terms associated with INFORM

Explore all the terms related to the word INFORM and enrich your vocabulary with the Collins English-Traditional Dictionary.

Chinese Translation of “INFORM”

Chinese Translation of “INFORM” | The official Collins English-Traditional Dictionary online. Over 100000 Chinese translations of English words and phrases.

Examples of 'INFORM' in a sentence

You should be fully informed and aware of any particular threat or risks to do with your job or members of the public you might meet. Lamplugh ...

Hindi Translation of “INFORM”

Hindi Translation of “INFORM” | The official Collins English-Hindi Dictionary online. Over 100000 Hindi translations of English words and phrases.

INFORM A CLIENT definition and meaning

A client of a professional person or organization is a person or company that receives a service from them in return for payment. [...].

INFORM definition and meaning

inform in American English 1 · 1. to give or impart knowledge of a fact or circumstance to · 2. to supply (oneself) with knowledge of a matter or subject · 3.

INFORM Synonyms

Synonyms for INFORM in English: tell, advise, let someone know, notify, brief, instruct, edify, enlighten, acquaint, leak to, …

INFORMATION definition and meaning

information in American English · 1. an informing or being informed; esp., a telling or being told of something · 2. something told; news; intelligence; word.

INFORMED definition and meaning

Someone who is informed knows about a subject or what is happening in the world. Informed people know the company is shaky.

Translate "INFORM" from English into Chinese

English-Chinese translation of INFORM | The official Collins English-Chinese Dictionary with over 100000 Chinese translations.







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